The founder and managing partner of IndustrieWert GmbH is Michael Mekelburger.
Active in the industry since 1984, Mr Mekelburger has worked on more than 4,000 auction and utilisation processes and mostly carried these out under his own responsibility. As an official expert, he has carried out at least as many valuations and successfully implemented a correspondingly large number of company sales.
Mr Mekelburger has worked as a freelance expert for industry, commerce and trade for over thirty years and was sworn in by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Düsseldorf in 2002 and publicly appointed as an expert for auctions of machinery and industrial equipment. Since 1990 he has worked in leading positions as an authorised officer, managing director or managing partner of the leading industrial auction houses in Germany and the USA.
Spurred on by his vast experience in consulting, the valuation and sale of entire companies as well as individual industrial plant and machinery, Michael Mekelburger launched the company IndustrieWert GmbH in 2001. In the meantime, the company has developed into one of the leading companies in this field in the German-speaking countries.
In order to be regionally stronger and better positioned for the needs of our customers and clients in the future, IndustrieWert GmbH has taken financially strong and intelligent investors on board as part of a restructuring to better cope with current challenges.

A team of experienced officers organises all the necessary tasks that are associated with the implementation and successful completion of insolvency services, industrial auctions and valuations in a process certified under DIN EN ISO 9001 within the framework of standardised quality management.
Thus, separation and preferential claims are reviewed in advance, the necessary activities planned and organised on site at the company, information and marketing activities implemented and the account sales prepared and monitored.
This expert team is presided over by a group of project managers who responsibly conduct the pending process and co-ordinate the necessary steps from the valuation and preparation of the report up to the delivery of industrial goods after any auctions or sales.
Other tasks in the field of insolvency services are:
Inventory with photo documentation
Comparison with companies/administrators, if necessary, according to inventory sheet
Supplier-related Inventory
Printing of the inventory list as a report – in Excel- or Winsolvenz format
Short-termin preparation of reports
Preliminary review of third-party rights and special rights applications
Assignment of fixed and current assets
Economic cost control
Data protection and deletion and file storage and destruction
Seizure, clearance, transfer and disposal
Thanks to their decades of work as experts and consultants, the team of IndustrieWert GmbH possess expertise in almost all major sectors of industry, commerce and trade.
Experts from the various fields of industrial manufacturing take on professionally demanding valuations, and support the sale and auction team in canvassing and consulting potential customers from around the world.
Together with our clients, we develop solutions for the tasks set - competently, efficiently and to their benefit.
As members of the Bundesverband Deutscher Sachverständigenrat eV (BDSR) (Federal Association of the German Council of Experts), the Bundesvereinigung Restrukturierung, Sanierung und Interim Management eV (BRSI) (Federal Association of Restructuring, Recovery and Interim Management), the Institut for Sachverständigenwesen eV (IfS) (Institute for Expert Appraisal), the Landesverband and the Bundesverband öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter sowie qualifizierter Sachverständiger eV (b.v.s./ NRW) (State Association and Federal Association of officially appointed and sworn and qualified Experts – North Rhine-Westphalia) our specialists are always informed about the current developments and legal foundations.

Field staff
The field staff also play a key role in the planning and implementation of industrial auctions.
The field staff prepare the auctioneer’s calling card, so to speak, in relation to the prospective customers and buyers. The preparation carried out by the field staff for sales and auctions influences the image, and thus, indirectly, the value of the industrial goods to be utilised. IndustrieWert GmbH has recognised precisely this circumstance. With a great deal of experience in friendly co-operation and respectful, deescalating treatment of the employees of the companies affected.
All preparatory measures for an auction, a sale or liquidation on site at the companies are expertly prepared and carried out. These include preparatory cleaning for promotional presentation of the movable inventory as well as the industrial and commercial settlement on site – right up to the transfer of the well-swept property.
Further tasks of our field staff include:
Securing movable assets of all kinds
Storing/securing files
Clearing the building
Auction and sale preparations of all kinds
Delivery and delivery control of fixed assets where the separation and preferential rights have been checked, or in the case of fixed assets sold